"涵德投资(“公司”)是一家总部在北京的量化对冲基金。公司成立于2013年8月,专注于通过系统性的量化分析进行投资。公司的两位主要创始人是Millennium Management(“千禧管理”)中国量化研究机构的创始成员。公司自创立以来取得了稳健的绝对收益,业绩在中国国内众多交易期货和股票的量化对冲基金中名列前茅。 涵德投资是一家研究导向的机构,公司利用统计方法分析市场趋势和套利机会并建立交易策略获利。现有交易模型主要包括期货CTA策略、股票Alpha策略,股票套利策略(统称股票市场中性策略),交易标的为中国国内商品期货、股指期货、股票和ETF。涵德投资的研究员主要来国内外顶级名校的理工科专业。公司已在中国证券投资基金业协会备案,并具有投资顾问资质。 Hantak Investment Management (“Hantak” or the “Company”) is a Beijing based quantitative investment manager established in Aug 2013. The Company specializes in investment management through systemic and quantitative approach. Two key founding members were co-founders of Millennium Management’s quantitative research subsidiary in China. Hantak has established a strong track record since its inception. It is ranked amongst the top performing quantitative mangers in China onshore futures and stock markets and has performed well in absolute returns. Hantak is a research-driven organization. It uses statistical research to analyze market trends and arbitrage opportunities and establish trading strategies that aim to profit from them. Hantak’s key trading strategies include futures CTA, stock arbitrage and stock alpha (collectively, stock market neutral strategies), Hantak pursues these strategies by constructing portfolios that include China onshore individual stocks, futures and ETFs. Hantak’s researchers typically come from top tier universities in China and overseas and possess hard sciences or engineering background. Hantak is AMAC registered and certificated as investment advisor."服务内容:
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