"杭州一百一投资管理有限公司(以下简称“一百一投资”)是一家以股权投资为主,主要从事实业投资、风险投资、金融资产投资管理及投资咨询服务的专业投资服务机构。一百一投资自成立以来,秉承“务实、稳健、创新”的核心价值观,为具有对接资本市场需求且具高成长潜力的初创型中小企业,提供不同发展阶段所需的资本支持和增值服务。 一百一投资联合全省各地专业中介服务机构共同搭建资本与实业对接的综合服务平台,在全面整合资本运作产业链与资源通道的基础上,创新业务类型与金融服务模式,为企业和投资者提供场外市场推荐挂牌、定向增资、私募债、私募基金、公司并购等多层次的资本市场业务,以多元化的业务生态打造投资者、企业、中介机构的金融服务链体系。一百一投资本着致力完善多层次资本市场、探索建立浙江中小企业直接融资渠道、发现企业核心价值的服务精神,进一步深化投资服务内涵,拓宽企业投融资渠道,助力企业金融扩张与产融一体化,以“愿景一致,携手共进”的精诚协作,为企业打通资本市场上下游通道,为实现省内发达地区的资本、技术和理念与成长性产业、企业的资源互补提供帮助,助推区域经济的快速发展。 Hangzhou Yi-Bai-Yi Investment & Management CO., Ltd( hereafter referred""Yi-Bai-Yi"") is a professional and proficient investment company dedicated to industrial investment, venture investment, financial asset management and investment consultation. Adhering to the values of Practicalness, Steadiness and Innovation, Yi-Bai-Yi supports high-growth startups and SMEs(small and medium-sized enterprises)with essential capital and value-added services in different stages of development and capital demands. Yi-Bai-Yi unites professional agencies across the province to build up a comprehensive service platform realizing the combination of capital and industry. Based on the integration of industry chain and resource channel of capital operation, the platform provides enterprises the OTC market services, such as listing, directed replenishment, private debt, private equity(PE), mergers and acquisitions(M&A), and others. Yi-Bai-Yi has been adhering to the spirit of service, being committed to improving the multi-level capital market, exploring the establishment of direct financing channels for SMEs in Zhejiang Province, finding the core values of these companies , further deepening the connotation of investment services, expanding corporate investment and financing channels, helping finance expansion and integration, with the sincere cooperation helping companies get through the capital markets channels to make the capital, technology and ideas complement with the resource of growing industry and enteprise in developed areas of the province, finally boosting the rapid development of the regional economy."服务内容:
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